[Hongyang Polypropylene Air Variable Wire will bring you a green mood this summer!]
Release date:[2020/7/1] Read a total of [461] time

Hongyang Polypropylene Air Variable Wire will bring you a green mood this summer!

The advantages of Hongyang polypropylene air-varying yarn: light specific gravity, high strength, corrosion resistance, mildew resistance, good thermal insulation, strong wicking, sweat absorption and moisture permeability, and soft feel.

Taking advantage of these advantages, the polypropylene fiber can be made into a summer artifact umbrella. Polypropylene air-varying silk umbrellas are environmentally friendly, lightweight, chemical resistant, low thermal conductivity, antibacterial and deodorant, bright color, etc., in this hot polypropylene summer, you will be sent silk cool.

Hongyang polypropylene aerotextile yarn just meets your needs for parasols this summer. Hongyang polypropylene aerotextile yarn is widely used in various craft cloths, sand releases, carpet cloths, gauze cloths, decorative cloths, fancy yarns, chenille yarns , Craft weaving and other color cloths, with many varieties, complete colors, and quality assurance.

Taixing Hongyang New Material Technology Co., Ltd. polypropylene aerospace yarn manufacturer Hongyang provides you with intimate service, high-quality product quality, just waiting for you to purchase. Hongyang has finely crafted polypropylene fiber yarns, polypropylene high-strength yarns, polyester fiber yarns, polypropylene webbing and other chemical fiber products.

You also want to know more about the product of polypropylene aerodynamic yarn, please contact: Liu Xuelian 18914408040 Website: http://www.hongyangxcl.com/

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